Directions for use of CBDA oil
Dosage guidelines for the Hemp Complex product line
Dosage of CBDA oil :
How to take CBDA oil and what should I look for when using Hemp Complex?
Find the answer here!
How to take CBDA oil ?
Dosage of CBDA oil : Determining the proper dosage for CBDA oils can be a dilemma similar to the pondering question of which product to choose that could work for our best advantage. For the purpose of diminishing our symptoms or ensure improvements for our general health it becomes necessary to know which product to select.
Hereby a few thoughts in advance, in order to obtain a better understanding about the mechanisms of action of CBD oils.
During the 90’s the human endocannabinoid system was discovered. The endocannabinoid system is an overarching biochemical regulatory mechanism, which is responsible for the homeostasis, with other words, the balance of functions in the body.
Phytocannabionoids are the group of chemical compounds found in the hemp plant. The constituents of phytocannabinoids are able to bind to the cannabinoid receptors in the human body, therefore stimulating our endocannabinoid system and propelling the functions of the body to a higher quality level!
Determining proper dosage of a Hemp Complex oil is only possible via self-observation because of the diversity of each individual!
Dosage of CBDA oil
Beyond the knowledge about our basic physiological functions, all of our measurable parameters (blood pressure, blood sugar etc.) show differences in each individual. Every single person has typical characteristics unique to themselves, for example blood pressure, PH level, digestive speed and efficiency, physical and mental reactions given to external stimulus, within the average measurement frames, of course.
With one word, we are remarkably different from each other. We are born with individual number of receptors, moreover our endocannabinoid system may have gotten damaged from possible malnourishment, stressful lifestyle and other harmful environmental effects. It is the CB1 and CB2 receptors which are responsible for the binding of cannabinoids within the human body. As of today, medical science is unable to measure the number of receptors inside the body.
The product does not have a risk of overdose!
It is important to mention, that in case your doctor or therapist is open to the employment of supplementary alternative therapies, it would be wise to consult them regarding your complaints, your intentions to use CBD oil and the result you desire to reach!
In light of the above, in every case it is the individual experiences, which lead one to the proper dosage of Hemp Complex oil! To reach maximum result, self-observation is of utmost importance!
Dosage of CBDA oil
Two people in similar conditions may experience different, or even opposite effects! As a general rule, we recommend 1 to 3 month long treatments.
Establishing the individually necessary therapeutic dose, we may start the cure with one drop either in the morning or in the evening, then we can switch to 2, then 3 drops daily (every 8 hours), and later we can add 1 drop to raise the dosage until the required effect is reached.
For light complaints (digestive problems, sleeping disorder, anxiety, smaller inflammations, skin problems – it can also be used externally for the latter! – or for preventive purposes the usage of our 3-5% CBD products can prove to be beneficial, for more serious indications (tumors, psychiatric syndromes, resistent bacterial infections, serious digestive problems as Crohn’s disease, IBS etc.) the 5-20% CBD products are recommended in accordance with your doctor’s suggestions.
In our experience, in case of the above mentioned serious cases, exceeding the ideal daily dose would cause a light sedative effect, which may be eliminated by lessening the ingested amount by 1-1-1 drop each occassion, thus reaching the maximum therapeutical dose.
The most effective way to ingest Hemp Complex is orally!
- Day 1: - 1 drop
- Day 2: -1-1 drops
- Day 3.:: 1-1-1 drops
- Day 4.: 2-1-1 drops
- Day 5.:: 2-2-2 drops
- Day 6.: 3-2-2 drops
Based on this logic we may raise the consumed dose until we reach the proper effect.
The dosage of non-heat treated, Hemp Complex full spectrum CBGA oil containing raw components significantly differs from the isolated or full spectrum but heat treated CBD oils. Raw ingredients are metabolized and incorporated into the body more dynamically, then heat-treated ingredients!
How to take CBDA oil?
Dosage of Hemp Complex CBD oil :
The diagram shows that raw full spectrum CBD oil will keep being incorporated into the body after ingestion, while other CBD oils containing the isolated ingredient stays effective up to a certain and undefined point, however it will produce an adverse effect afterwords, therefore not reaching the desired effect.
Dosage for cannabidiol oil – more about CBD oil dosage and about the function of the endocannabinoid system here!